Sunday, May 23, 2010

xX very eventful week Xx

First, I went to the Breakfast of Champions! *gasp* That's the first time in my life! I'm so proud! Andrew Deakin, who we live by, talked to all of us, and guess what? HE QUOTED DUMBLEDORE!! OMC! I know! And then the district attorney or something talked to us and said that we should all be like Jo Rowling. I almost typed Draco Malfoy right there... :O Yes, let's all be like Draco Malfoy: attempt to kill Dumbledore multiple times, and become a Death Eater. NO. But how awesome is that?! My friend Sidney said she could feel my excitement radiating through the room. I nearly shrieked! How awesome!
Later that day, I had a piano recital. I nearly chewed my fingers off, I was so nervous. But it went well. Now for the really scary part: When they played Canon in D or something like that, I imagined I was dancing. In the rain on the corner of a cobble stoned street in France at sunset. But you know who I was dancing with? The *cough* affore mentioned murderer/Death Eater. He was the only person I could imagine dancing with! Not Connor B., not Harry, not High King Peter the Magnificent. No. It was him. I've lost my mind!
And earlier this week we got a letter in the mail. There was a fancy embossed H on the front. Jason freaked out (I wasn't home). He thought it was my letter from Hogwarts. Actually, it was a wedding announcement. When I got home, the envelope was so mangled that it was indistinguishable.
Yesterday I got my hair done like Princess Leah: A braid all the way around my head! IT IS SO COOL! I love it! I would post a pic but I can't find a camera...sad!

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