Sunday, January 31, 2010

I AM SO STINKIN MAD!!! Or at least really scared and interpreting it wrong...But there is a CHURCH OF GOOGLE!! They believe that Google is God and that "She" is all-knowing. They have prayers to Google and everything!! They even converted the Lord's Prayer to Google worshiping terms! Isn't that just stinking WRONG? They deny God and all other worshiped beings because they cannot be scientifically proven! How sad! Lunatics...

Monday, January 11, 2010


Producer David Barron made a snap decision not to write snow scenes into the plot. He says:
"If we had the likelihood is that by the time we filmed them, the snow would have gone. We have only lost half a day's filming because of the snow."

Instead of shooting the scheduled outdoor sequences last week, the team moved back inside the studios and completed scenes on the giant Hogwarts Great Hall set.

As he prepared to act out a dramatic scene in the battle against Voldemort, Daniel revealed that audiences can expect a change of scene when the first part of the finale is released later this year. He said:

"Part I is a road movie. We are not in Hogwarts at all and it's going to look very different, and the action is going to be pretty extraordinary."

Thank goodness I go to mugglenet daily, otherwise I wouldn't have a reason to be MAD!! How are they going to make all those important snow scenes work? Like when Harry jumps into the pool to get the sword, he said it was COLD. Now how are they going to make that work, huh? Why in the wizarding world would Ron bother to save Harry if he didn't think that he might be COLD? What about the snow?! Angry!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Oh, and today, I put the song Harry's Wondrous World on our spare cellular device. It's a pretty sweet ring tone! (; If anyone wants it I can text it to you!! The phone will let me send ring tones! SWEET!
Last night the Bradfields (our neighbors and friends) came over for a game night. I was really excited to play and all, but I never expected what I would do. We played Scum, with Moi as President. Sweet! Well, I was president for 2 rounds, and then Daddy the commoner beat me big time. We didn't stay long enough to feel bad about it though. We then played a game called Things. It was sooo fun! The whole time, all I could think of was Harry Potter-big surprise-and therefore got out first every time because who else would say "Harry Potter details, background, and meanings" on "Things you wish you'd been taught in school"? Me and this other Harry Potter fan, Mariah, got talking, and she said something about being "Lord Voldemort". I don't remember how it came up, but that's what she said to me. Soon after, we got the question, "things you notice about yourself as you get older" and from the pile came things like "That wasn't there last Sunday!", "Gravity" and my favorite, "I'm Lord Voldemort and stuff. It's very nice." My dad was the one reading them for us, and I sat next to him, so my turn came first. Of course I knew who had said it, but all I could do was point at her, I was laughing to hard to do anything else. Mommy says that I was laughing for at least 5 minutes, no exaggeration. I couldn't do anything about it, either! I was tearing up, falling under the table, and everything else! Finally Mariah's sister said, "Was it the Voldemort one?" All I could do was nod. Now, one day later, a paper that reads, "I'm Lord Voldemort and stuff. It's very nice." hangs on my wall in Mariah Bradfield's handwriting.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I was at Young Women's this time, but I came across a scripture that said we should put the gospel before worldly things, that building our testimony is more important that riches or pleasure. That got me thinking, and all of a sudden I felt horribly guilty that I read Harry Potter more that my scriptures! I'm trying really hard to remind myself to read the Book of Mormon at least 45 minutes every day. It's so hard though! My mom keeps saying, "Meagan, reality first!" and that is so true, but so difficult.
Now I have something else to tell you. I am saving my money so that I can go to the Harry Potter 7 part 2 world premier (if they delete the nude scenes) , even though you have to be invited or win some sweepstakes. Pretty wimpy. So here are my plans for all three situations (yes, all three.) :

SECRET STRATEGY #1: I will write tons of letters to Jo Rowling so she knows who I am and we are fairly well aquainted, and then I'm going to ask her to invite me to go to the world premier and the money I've got will pay for the expenses.

SECRET STRATEGY #2: I will spend weeks entering for the Warner Bros. sweepstakes, each time under a different email adress. It'll take LOTS and LOTS of time, but I'm willing to take the effort. If I'm lucky, I will have the majority of the drawing filled, and therefore have a bigger chance of getting there.

SECRET STRATEGY #3: If neither of my other Secret Strategies don't work, I will put all this money into college savings. Waht college will I go to, you wonder? BYU, because not only are they totally wicked awesome, but they also have a QUIDDITCH TEAM. Want to know more, go to It's pretty cool. Too bad I missed the World Cup...*sniffle*

Niow that you know my brilliant plans you have to know how much money I've saved, or at least as close as I'm willing to tell: over $250.oo, but under $3oo.oo since August first. Sweet huh? I know!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I was reading the Book of Mormom the other day, and I read a scripture that said "Wherefore murmur ye, because that ye shall recieve more of my word? Know ye not that the testimony of two nations is a witness unto you that I am God, that I remember one nation like unto another? " (2 Nephi 29:8) That was really cool, because that was like assurance that Heavenly Father is there, and that this church is true. Cause we've got the Bible, AND the Book of Mormon! I like that scripture.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Hi, Meagan here! Mom said I could make my own blog, as long as I used it as a journal, so that's what I'm doing. If you're reading it, please post comments, because I just love it when people tell me their outlook on my thoughts! I am going to try my hardest to tell the truth on here, so here are some truths you might as well know:
  1. I absolutely love Harry Potter! Not the actor (I wish I could kick Daniel Radcliffe but he'd probably sue me), the books. I am a HUGE fan! Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, and Hermione Granger are my favorite characters, and (Cami, I admit it) I have a crush on Draco Malfoy.
  2. I love to read. Reading basically sums up my life, except for the fact that reading has nothing to do with spending time with my absolutely wonderful family. I read.....16/6! It would be 24/7, but that's over-exaggerating, seeing as I don't read on Sundays and I have to sleep and eat, which takes about 2 hours total.
  3. I love to spend time with my family, extended family included, because they are just so awesome! Yes, my parents, brothers, and sisters really have no idea, but I love to be with them. Especially when we're doing things. (:
  4. I am really spastic when you get to know me(or at least that's what my swimming teacher said), but around new people, I'm really quiet and shy. Since I technically already know my blog, you're probably going to see some spaz here and there.
  5. I have a bad temper. It doesn't show lots of the time, but when my brothers annoy me, I get mad! I haven't hurt anybody for a while, thank goodness, and my temper's getting better. Now I just walk away (most of the time)!
  6. I love Veggie Tales. Especially the Ballad of Little Joe. OK...that's the only one I've seen, but that music video in the middle is HILARIOUS!!

Now that I've told you those 6 important things, you know me pretty well. Mostly. Oh, and I love adjectives like flaccid. So now that I've given you the basic spiel, welcome to My blog!

PS: Like my blog name? (;