Sunday, March 14, 2010

Random thoughts

Hello everybody this is Meagan. I am having a really random day... I want to read percy Jackson (even though it is a really immature. Book and I don't like it), I want to look at art, I want to draw, I want to ride a horse, I want to go to mugglenet, I want to-you know, I think I'm going to check my email. Bye!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The music man

Tonight me and Cayden tryed out for a play called "The Music Man". I am so proud of him! We were so worried that he was going to back out at the last minute, but he didn't! Yay! I tryed out for that "Ye Gads!" lady. It was pretty fun/nervewracking, and I loved it! Just so you know, at this moment I am proudly listening to Pottercast. Pretty cool!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Jazz game

Yesterday me and my team went to the Jazz game. It was pretty funny, as we walked from where we were parked to the Energy Solutions Arena, we saw a guy holding a sign that said "Why lie
I need beer"
The Junior Jazz seats are at the very top of the stadium, which is a long walk up very steep stairs. Those stairs scare me really bad. So I went and bought some ice cream, and when I started to walk up the stairs I decided it was better to go fast and get it over with rather than go slow and fall down them backwards. I ran. On the fourth step, I tripped and my ice cream went flying! It hit the edge of a stair and broke in half, the bottom half of the cone going left, and the top half and my $3.00 cookie dough ice cream going right! I hurried and grabbed the bottom half and my ice cream and put them back to gether, and then I panicked. I wrapped the ice cream in my napkin. Of all the stupid things to do, why that? So I smiled at the lady sitting there, and walked, very slowly, back to my seat. Embarassing! But again I use my famous line: "I'm Meagan!"

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Basketball is over!

Today me and my team played basketball with four players against five. Don't ask me where the other three people went, 'cause I don't know. It was a great game, we were playing hard, but it was not to last. I had three fouls, Megan B. Had four, Makenna had three, and Rabecca none. We were all trying really hard not no foul, but with 12.8 seconds left on the clock, Makenna made two fouls in quick succession, and fouled out. We only had three players left. Refs were phoning people and checking the rule book, in the hopes that we could play with three in those last few seconds. Too bad. We lost the game with 19 to 18 in our favor. We won and we lost.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

So happy!!

A little while ago me and my Language arts class had to write a biography about a famous person who died and I chose J.R.R. Tolkien. It tortured me to have to pick up a pencil and write the rough draft. Don't get me wrong, I love writing, but with a pencil is just too much. It hurts my hand. So I procrastinated and held it off for a while until my parents found out and told me I HAD to finish. So I did and I turned it in thinking "Yeah it's OK..."
When I got home my mom was standing on the deck talking on the phone. When she came back in she said "You know who I was talking to?" It was my Language arts teacher calling to ask my mom if I had copied from a book on my report. When my mom said that I felt really scared and was so worried that I was in BIG trouble. When she told my teacher she didn't know, my teacher said that she had checked out the book I used for research and I had not copied anything. She then asked if my mom had written it, and mommy said no. You know what my teacher said then? That my choice of words and sentence structure were amazing, that I really have a gift and that I should continue on and keep getting better. She thought that I was really good! Mommy said that my teacher was relieved that it was my work and that she was excited that I could write so well. OH MY CHEESE!!! Mom called Grandma Henderson and Cami to tell them the news, and Cami said that some day I'm gonna "go put Twilight to shame"! YEAH!!!
Mommy also said that today she went to this craft store and saw a tile that said in Vinyl lettering: "Don't make me use my wand!" How cool!! I want it! Anyway, really great day! I feel so proud! Mommy took us to Artic Circle to get a shake to celebrate!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

France and all things French

Two days ago Ben, my Aunt Ashley's brother, and his girlfriend (I think)came to have dinner with us. At my Grandma's house. Turns out Karin (his "girlfriend") has gone to France for foreign study and has a blog about it!! She gave me the URL and told me how to find the France stuff. Before then I knew I wanted to go to France, but now I know that I want to REALLY REALLY BAD!! Other people might say that and not really mean that, but this is one of my "I will go, I will do!" moments. I WILL GO AND DO.
Me and Aunt Cami talked about the fabled "Koralewski Summer Camp", and for all you of my cousins out there, THIS IS SERIOUS STUFF. I mean it. I will post the list of totally fun summer stuff at a later time when we have decided when everything is going to happen in that short period of one or two days, but I am so excited!! So excited!!