Sunday, May 30, 2010

T21 Traveling Afghan Project

So I was looking at other people's blogs, and I found one by a lady who's son had Down syndrome. The most recent blog post was, of course, "T21 Traveling Afghan" What is that, I wondered? So I looked it up. You can read about it here. It's really cool! It's an Afghan and a journal in a box being sent all over the US and to other countries. The box is sent to people who have signed up who have family members with Down syndrome. In the journal, they write about their expirience with that family member. The afghan is there because...because they want it to be. The children (well, any age, really) can have pictures taken with the afghan, whatever they want. Then they send it on to the next person on the list. It's really cool! Check it out!

Life is a journey

~~~Yesterday I was feeling all down and depressed and bad for myself because of that darn OBSESSION that I CANNOT let go of!! Harry Potter obsession, by the way. I feel like I am in handcuffs or stranded on a deserted island! I have NO interaction with the rest of the world. NONE! WHATSOEVER! So I was feeling all bad, and I even composed a pretty bleak poem about it....when I went downstairs to watch TV. I mean, what else was I supposed to do? So when I turned the TV on, you know what was playing? A show called "Rethinking Happiness" all about happiness, where it comes from, and how to get it. I nearly cried! Oh my goodness! WOW! They talked about self-help stuff (which is really popular right now), Positive Therapy, Forgiveness Therapy, all of that stuff. The moral of the story was: "Life is a journey, and happiness is what happens when we travel it together." Cool.
~~~On to the stuff I'm REALLY excited about: flying! Just a couple of days ago, our neighbor Brother Grier (who is consequently a PILOT) took me and Dad flying in his plane. A Piper Cherokee 235, to use the proper term. My favorite. For those of you who know me REALLY well, I have wanted to be a pilot in the Air force for a really long time. And here I was, soaring through the air in a four-seater private plane! OMC! Brother Grier signed me up for the Young Eagles, a group of young flight enthusiasts. The benefits of being in this group:
1. Your name is put in the BIGGEST logbook in the world
2. You get FREE textbook flight training online, whenever you want. Retail value:$199.00 Totally free.
3. And lots of other stuff I can't the moment :D
~~~Isn't that awesome? I get the textbook classes for free! I don't have to pay anything! And By the time I finish, I will have enough money to pay for the rest! YAY!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

xX very eventful week Xx

First, I went to the Breakfast of Champions! *gasp* That's the first time in my life! I'm so proud! Andrew Deakin, who we live by, talked to all of us, and guess what? HE QUOTED DUMBLEDORE!! OMC! I know! And then the district attorney or something talked to us and said that we should all be like Jo Rowling. I almost typed Draco Malfoy right there... :O Yes, let's all be like Draco Malfoy: attempt to kill Dumbledore multiple times, and become a Death Eater. NO. But how awesome is that?! My friend Sidney said she could feel my excitement radiating through the room. I nearly shrieked! How awesome!
Later that day, I had a piano recital. I nearly chewed my fingers off, I was so nervous. But it went well. Now for the really scary part: When they played Canon in D or something like that, I imagined I was dancing. In the rain on the corner of a cobble stoned street in France at sunset. But you know who I was dancing with? The *cough* affore mentioned murderer/Death Eater. He was the only person I could imagine dancing with! Not Connor B., not Harry, not High King Peter the Magnificent. No. It was him. I've lost my mind!
And earlier this week we got a letter in the mail. There was a fancy embossed H on the front. Jason freaked out (I wasn't home). He thought it was my letter from Hogwarts. Actually, it was a wedding announcement. When I got home, the envelope was so mangled that it was indistinguishable.
Yesterday I got my hair done like Princess Leah: A braid all the way around my head! IT IS SO COOL! I love it! I would post a pic but I can't find a camera...sad!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

My Birthday List

I know my birthday isn't for four 1/2 weeks, but I am so excited! 13! WOW. So here's my list:
1. Book of Mormon novel version...yes it does exist
2. The AWESOME quidditch watch
3. A rubber band ball (I love those things!)

So there you have it. My dad insisted that the BoM be first, otherwise quidditch watch would be up on top. But NOOOO, he's only going to buy me #1.... ;)

Really mad...

A little background info...(it's a little embarrassing but oh well.) in my journal I star all the boys that I meet, example: Rigby Rhodes ***,or three stars. That's how it works.
So on Friday in P.E. we were playing four square. Me, Melissa Farley, What's-His-Name, Taylor Francom, Dakota, and Caleb. Taylor and What's-His-Name were REALLY good, getting the rest of us out left and right. I would have been OK with it, and so would be everyone else, but they kept saying stuff like "I can't believe he fell for it", "Gets 'em every time", or "I can't believe that worked!" Most of it was directed at poor Dakota. He was feeling really bad, because he would be in for like five seconds, and then he would be out. "That gets him EVERY TIME!" Oh my goodness, it made me so mad at those people. They were making fun of Dakota's weaknesses! Taking advantage of him just so they could have a chance to laugh! As me and Dakota were walking away, What's-His-Name called, "No, we're sorry! Come back Meagan! We'll stop!" I just turned around and shouted, "You people think you are so good, don't you?" And I left. I hope I did the right thing...
So in my journal, this is what I put: Taylor Francom **. Because he is slightly cute (owing to the fact that he has RED HAIR), funny, smart, and he doesn't dress weird. Yesterday I would have given him five stars for all of the above reasons and because at the time he seemed nice. Now I don't think so.