Thursday, February 25, 2010

Today I had a choir concert with a solo in it and it was very cool standing up in front of people and SINGING!! INTO A MICROPHONE!! IN FRONT OF LOTS OF PEOPLE!! I'm so proud of me...but here's the part I wanted to tell you about: After the concert was over I went to tell my teacher thanks for all she did for us and how fun it was and stuff....and when I turned around, who should be standing there but-no way-Mark!! The kid who takes me to my classes and gets my stuff for me and stuff!! If you want more info email me...I have a whole lot to say. So anyway he was standing there looking sort of sheepish with his arms open like he was asking me for a HUG. OMC NO WAY. But there he was! So I sort of *hugged* him really fast and said "You did great Mark" (he had a solo too) and I walked away. Talk about EMBARRASSING!!