Sunday, January 10, 2010

Last night the Bradfields (our neighbors and friends) came over for a game night. I was really excited to play and all, but I never expected what I would do. We played Scum, with Moi as President. Sweet! Well, I was president for 2 rounds, and then Daddy the commoner beat me big time. We didn't stay long enough to feel bad about it though. We then played a game called Things. It was sooo fun! The whole time, all I could think of was Harry Potter-big surprise-and therefore got out first every time because who else would say "Harry Potter details, background, and meanings" on "Things you wish you'd been taught in school"? Me and this other Harry Potter fan, Mariah, got talking, and she said something about being "Lord Voldemort". I don't remember how it came up, but that's what she said to me. Soon after, we got the question, "things you notice about yourself as you get older" and from the pile came things like "That wasn't there last Sunday!", "Gravity" and my favorite, "I'm Lord Voldemort and stuff. It's very nice." My dad was the one reading them for us, and I sat next to him, so my turn came first. Of course I knew who had said it, but all I could do was point at her, I was laughing to hard to do anything else. Mommy says that I was laughing for at least 5 minutes, no exaggeration. I couldn't do anything about it, either! I was tearing up, falling under the table, and everything else! Finally Mariah's sister said, "Was it the Voldemort one?" All I could do was nod. Now, one day later, a paper that reads, "I'm Lord Voldemort and stuff. It's very nice." hangs on my wall in Mariah Bradfield's handwriting.

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