Tuesday, March 2, 2010

France and all things French

Two days ago Ben, my Aunt Ashley's brother, and his girlfriend (I think)came to have dinner with us. At my Grandma's house. Turns out Karin (his "girlfriend") has gone to France for foreign study and has a blog about it!! She gave me the URL and told me how to find the France stuff. Before then I knew I wanted to go to France, but now I know that I want to REALLY REALLY BAD!! Other people might say that and not really mean that, but this is one of my "I will go, I will do!" moments. I WILL GO AND DO.
Me and Aunt Cami talked about the fabled "Koralewski Summer Camp", and for all you of my cousins out there, THIS IS SERIOUS STUFF. I mean it. I will post the list of totally fun summer stuff at a later time when we have decided when everything is going to happen in that short period of one or two days, but I am so excited!! So excited!!

1 comment:

  1. I love that I WILL GO, I WILL DO mentality! I am totally teaching that to my daughters. :)

    And yes, I'm Ben's girlfriend. :)
